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God's Prophecy

Taking a Look at Gods Prophecy

God's prophecy is quickly becoming one of the most popular topics among individuals worldwide. There are many different prophecies out there when it comes to the end times. However, God's prophecy is ultimately the only one that truly counts. Our world is currently facing a lot of uncertainty. Economic woes, political instability, various types of dangers, and fear plague people of all nations, of all cultures, and of most religions. This is the reason that there is now such an immense fascination with the prophecies that are highlighted in the Word of God, or the Bible.


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God's Prophecy

There were several prophets mentioned throughout the Bible. These include Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, and John the Baptist. These amazing figures explained in the Word of God that we would face turbulent times. They spoke of the morals that are quickly declining in our world. They spoke of the increasing levels of crime. The political complications were mentioned. The despair and devastation of wars emerging throughout the world, and more were expressed by these historical individuals who were blessed by God with a vision to expound on future events.

Ezekiel's Prophecy

Ezekiel was an individual who was known to be a prophet during the time in which exiles of Jewish decent were in Babylon. Many refer to this time in which the Babylonian Captivity was occurring. When this prophet described future events that were to occur, he was known to do so with a high level of creativity and imagery. The following highlights some of Ezekiel's contributions to Bible prophecy:

One of the first prophecies that Ezekiel spoke of involved the fact that Jerusalem faced destruction. He explained that the Temple would be destroyed. Then, the individuals who were known as Jews would feel the need to move out and away from the area. However, they would ultimately return in order to conduct acts of restoration to the city.

He explained that Israel would face several complications. One of the worst would be when God would leave the area. This would involve a sound judgment from God, but he also said that God would return to this area and restore Israel into a beautiful place.

Daniel's Prophecy

There are many mysteries surrounding Daniel. However, there is one thing for sure, he was a major contributor when it came to God's prophecy regarding the future fate of the entire world. He developed a time map that identifies what events are to transpire from the earliest of times to today's world. In the following highlights, you will learn a couple of Daniel's wonderful contributions when it comes to the world:

Daniel's prophecies played a key role in piecing together many of God's prophecies. It is said that without the visions that this important figured provided, other prophecies could not be properly understood. For example, without the assistance of the information Daniel possessed, Revelation could not have been properly deducted for understanding. In addition to this, he played a vital role in making the popular Olivet Discourse understandable.

In the time line that Daniel created that was based on a detailed dream that he had, he was able to properly identify the end times which foretold the kingdoms of the world, as well as God's return to Earth.

These are just two examples of individuals who shared God's prophecies throughout history. The prophecy as put forth to us in the Bible by God is extremely complex, yet essential when it comes to knowledge of our world, our role in it, and what we can come to expect of it. It is absolutely essential to study the Bible if you want to learn about the contributions of these famous prophets. If you would like some assistance in gaining a better understanding of God's Prophecy, you may join a free seminar that highlights the truth.

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Are you ready to discover the truth about amazing end time prophecies? You can watch free prophecy videos and learn what the Bible says about the end of days at Bible Prophecy School.





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