Understanding the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy
When looking at the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, you'll see that there are many conflicting reports of what this doomsday prophecy might mean. The end of the world is a topic that has fascinated people ever since they knew that there was a world to loose, and whether the sources are ancient or comparatively modern, there is a lot of information speculating on this subject. Though there have been many theories out there that have been dismissed over time, and a great deal of information regarding the subject that has been thrown out, the Mayan doomsday prophecy is one that has a great deal of resonance for many people.
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In the first place, what sort of doomsday is predicted in this prophecy? The first one that many people believe in is a global catastrophe. With the warnings from many climate experts and many environmental specialists becoming increasingly dire, there is an understanding that the earth is coming every closer to a tipping point, where the devastation of the planet at the hands of sources like global warming seem more and more imminent. This prediction, hinged on the solstice that will occur on December 12, 2012, is one of the more widely held beliefs, but it is far from the only one.
In addition to this, there is a belief that upon that day, the Mayan doomsday prophecy instead refers to a spiritual or physical change that will happen to every living thing on the planet earth. One thing that some people will point to as evidence of this is an alignment of the Earth, the Sun and the Center point of the Milky Way. Instead of being a global catastrophe, there is the hope that life on Earth as we know it is going to be entering a new world, or a new civilization.
When taking a look at the Mayan doomsday prophecy, it is very important to understand where the numbers are coming from. In this regard, consider the Mayan calender, which stretches for a span of 26,000 years, which will come to a close on the solstice date listed above. The Mayan understanding of the heavens was extremely advanced and their patient tracking of the heavens, records which lasted for generations, gave them a unique insight into the world itself.
When looking for an understanding of then end of the world, there is a great deal of information that you need in order to get a good picture of what is going on. Make sure that you only consider credible sources that are available to you such as that from BibleProphecySchool.com and remember more information is not always better, don't get bogged down in mis information.
Are you ready to discover the truth about amazing end time prophecies? You can watch free prophecy videos and learn what the Bible says about the end of days at Bible Prophecy School.