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You have access to the free Bible worksheets study lessons that coorespond with this 26 part Bible Prophecy Video Series will thrill you with endtime prophecies. You will be shocked when these amazing facts are revealed. If you are new, then Opt in and get the printable Bible lessons and corresponding videos Bible prophecy today. If you are already a member, scroll down and download the printable Bible lessons that coorespond with the free end-time prophecy study videos.

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Bible Worksheets

Click on a link to open the free fill in the blanks Bible studies, then print it, or
Right Click then press (Save Link As or Save Target As) to save a copy on your computer.

    1. The Millennial Man - Bible Prophecy
    2. Back to Jerusalem - Bible
    3. The Coming King - Trininty, Second Coming, Rapture
    4. The Rebellious Prince - Prayer
    5. The Supreme Sacrifice - Salvation, victory over sinĀ 
    6. The Law of the King - Law and Judgement
    7. Bricks Without Straw - Sabbath, 7th day
    8. The Glorious Kingdom - Heaven
    9. The Witch of Endor - Death
    10. Cities of Ash - Truth about hell
    11. River of Life - Baptism
    12. Resting the Land - Millenium
    13. Bowing to Babylon - Prophecy
    14. The Mark of Cain - Prophecy, Sabbath vs Sunday
    15. A Heavenly Model - Sanctuary
    16. Cleansing the Temple - Prophecies
    17. A Tale of Two Women - Church
    18. Windows of Heaven - Tithes
    19. The Daughter's Dance - Prophecy
    20. Ten Times Wiser - Health -Bible Diet
    21. Voice in the Wilderness - Christian Lifestyle
    22. A Jar of Oil - The Holy Spirit
    23. Above the Crowd - Christian Lifestyle
    24. Proving the Prophets - Prophets, Church
    25. The Unsinkable Ship (no lesson available)
    26. Bonus (no lesson available)

This eye opening series about the end times that will strengthen your faith and give you hope for your future.

Join me on an amazing journey, opt in now...





Fill in the blank worksheets, Bible notes and a prophecy Bible are good study tools.



Examples of study skills

There are a vast number of resources available that market themselves as being effective for the improvement of study skills. Fill in the blank work sheets are a good tool because they get you involved by havin you search for the answer. Other methods range from how to manage time and how to take notes, to proper eating habits used to enhance learning skills. Various educational organizations often offer individual counseling, or a list of resources to aid in the improvement of study skills.

* Remove distractions to improving concentration
* Balance between homework and other activities
* Reduce stress, and test anxiety
* Notetaking
* Study in quiet areas

* Time Management
* Self Motivation
* Collaborate with other
* take practice tests
* Study when alert

* Listening
* Memory
* Study with flashcards
* Having someone quiz you
* Use multiple sources
* Avoid hunger and drowsiness

One method used by structured students to keep them on track is the PQRST method. This method prioritizes the information in a way that relates directly to how they will be asked to use that information in an exam. The method can also be modified to suit any particular form of learning in most subjects. It allows more accurate timing of work rather than the student having to decide how much time to attribute to a topic. PQRST is an acronym for Preview, Question, Read, Summary, Test.

1. Preview: Look at the topic you have to learn by glancing over the major headings or the points in the syllabus.
2. Question: Formulate questions to answer once the topic has been thoroughly studied.
3. Read: Read through reference material related to the topic, and choose which information best relates to the questions.
4. Summary: This is flexible, and allows students to bring ways they use to summarize information into the process. Including; written notes, spider diagrams, flow diagrams, labeled diagrams, mnemonics, voice recordings of the topic summary.
5. Test: Answer questions created in the Question section as fully as possible. Keep in mind that it is easy to lose sight of the point of learning. Avoid adding questions that you didn't formulate in the question section.


Free Bible Worksheets and Bible Study lessons and free endtime bible study videos. Learn how to study Bible prophecy and download Bible worksheet lessons available online.





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