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Bible Code Prophecy

Why are people looking to the Bible Code prophecy? Are the Bible code end times prophecy true? Can you use the Bible code software to predict the future or is that a trick from Satan? As religious beings, we are trained to reach for meaning. We should look to places like the Bible and the Torah but more and more people are beginning to believe, some quite fervently, there there is information, important and divinely placed information, hidden in the actual text of the Bible. What this information refers to, and what it might point to is something that many people debate, and there is a great deal of history and controversy that has attended this search.


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What Is the Bible Code Prophecy?

To begin with, what is the Bible Code? In a method that was popularized in Michale Drosnin's book of the same name, the Equidistant letter Sequence was put forth. Though there are several permutations of this formula, it essentially states that the Bible is a puzzle, and that there are many different messages that are coded with in. It states than when you start with a certain letter, and then count forward from that letter a certain amount of spaces repeatedly, each letter that you land on will be part of the code. Once the string of letters has been found, it might be wrapped around a cylinder in a long spiral, allowing the letters to be read vertically.

When looking for understanding of this Bible code end time prophecy phenomenon, it is important to understand that there are many fields of thought with reard to it. In the first place, some people believe that it should only be used to the Torah, the Jewish religious script, and that using it on any other piece of work would be useless. There are other schools of thought that find that this procedure could be used to work with any type of divinely inspired text.

There have been many people who were interested in, if not this specific bible code end times prophecy, but Bible codes that will pertain to this concept. One person who was thought to have believed in this type of prophecy was the genius Isaac Newton, who believed that the Universe was puzzle that has been created by God. The technique described above was first used in the 1400s, by a Spanish rabbi. The information that has come from the use of this type of prophecy is hotly debated, with some thinking that it can predict without fail things like the birth of famous rabbis and the fates of political figures, to others who believe that it speaks to more universal truths.

When you are looking at the Bible Code prophecy and wondering what sort of place it has in your life or whether there is any value to it all, make sure that you look into the free prophecy available at BibleProphecySchool.com. When considering the future, it is quite important to make sure that you have the tools that it takes to figure out what is true and what is not, so consider what choices might be available to you at this resource.

The Bible says that: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20

Now let's let the Bible interpret itself and not go playing with Bible code prophecy name search or bible code software. Those who want to discover the truth about amazing end time prophecies can watch free prophecy videos and decide for themselves at Bible Prophecy School.





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