Fullfilled prophecy can be translated as proof to those of the Christian faith. Faith itself might be the cornerstone, but fulfilled prophecies and ones yet to have occurred are definitely mighty support beams in the face of the unbelievers. You are invited to attend a free seminar, where you can learn more about the truth.
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A Look at Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
The concept of the existence of a god or higher being is as old as the conscience human being, or older if you consider the obvious fact that God was here first. Since that concept we have indulged in organized and not so organized forms of religion.
Needless to say these various forms have evolved and manifested into some of the most dominating belief systems the world over. It is definitely no secret that Christianity has emerged as the leading faith with biblical prophecy known to not only practitioners of the faith, but also to those of other spiritual disciplines. Over the ages it seems that the bible has made good on a number of promises that fulfilled Bible prophecies.
Let’s take a look at some of these in more perspective.
The popular thought more times than not is when you hear the words biblical prophecy, you automatically think of the foretelling of a future event. But how interesting is it when one of those passages tells of something in the past that sounds supernatural and far fetched, only to find out that science is just now catching up with the ancient text. God works in mysterious ways.
For example let’s take a look at the book of Genesis, verse one and verse two. The first verse says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. You can see from this that any healthy belief in a higher power obviously starts with that kind of a statement. So what is it that that starts to set the bible thing apart?
Let us take a look at verse two: “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the waters”. Now to the average person this may seem like religious poetry but let us analyze for a moment through the eyes of science.
From what we can see, the earth obviously has no form and the presence of water is abundant. Based on what we know now, the star we call our sun was born like all other stars, in a big cloud of gas. The nine planets were also born in this gas. So really the earth was formless at the beginning even though it was distinguishable from the rest of the gas cloud.
The earth while it was forming its core and atmosphere barely had the solid form it is now. As for all the water, well that gas cloud we mentioned was hydrogen. Our young planet would have been all water until somewhere near the end of its completion. So we have the exact same story a few thousand years later, but it was already told. As far as fulfilled bible prophecies are concerned, it would appear that God aims to whet your appetite in the first couple of lines.
(more fullfilled prophecy )
Those who want to discover the truth about amazing end time prophecies can watch free prophecy videos and decide for themselves at Bible Prophecy School.